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Which photo editor should I choose?

Depending on what you expect to do I find ThumbsPlus excellent for organising and doing general enhancements. It's also extremely intuitive - in my opinion. Once you feel happier with things move to Photoshop Elements. Personally, if you start with Elements I think you may get very frustrated. 

GIMP is extremely capable, but takes getting used to, a free comprehensive online book can be found at http://gimp-

RAW file photo editing?
So I started shooting in RAW finally, and I am happy with my decision. I like the options you get in photoshop with the RAW file, and the quality does seem better. Here is my question though--I have done post-production on about ten images. I then converted the newly edited (beautiful colors, etc) images all to 16bit TIFF files and also to 8bit JPEGS for casual use. I went to put the new jpegs up on the web, and the colors I've altered seem to not be there at all! In fact, it seems to have reverted to the RAW data. When I open the file in Preview or Photoshop or any other software on my comp, I see the colors that I created for the picture (even the jpeg version), but when I email it to someone or try to get it on the web it just isn't the same. 
I should probably say that I also tried using Photoshop's option of "save for web" which supposedly optimizes your file for web use. I got the same results--RAW color, no alterations visible. 
I thought that somehow I was uploading some phantom version of the RAW accidentally, so I took the file and added a huge black streak across the sky to see if it would show up in the JPEG I upload. It certainly did, but the colors of my photo were still the RAW colors! Is it just not processing the color information? I don't get it... 

Photo editing questions?
It was suggested to me today my some people I know that since I do not place my name on the photo itself on the back of the photo I place a sticker with my name and number. Now I have seen this done before but I worry about damaging the photo. Does anyone do this and if so what type of sticker or label paper are you using?

There are archival stickers made by Perma/Seal and by Light Impressions. They are P.A.T. approved and can be written onto with pen/pencil or they can be stamped. Anyway the colour cannot penetrate to the photographic emulsion as these stickers have a layer of aluminium foil in between. They can be used with inkjet printers, I am not sure about laser printers though. 

Forum for image editing

Let's see what we use at this forum for image editing 

Here's a list that I know of; 

Paint Shop Pro 
Paint () 
I personally use Fireforks and Fireworks/Photoshop (2 computers)

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